Create A Real Estate Niche Market And Double Your Income!

For the longest time now Real Estate Agents have come into the industry and tried to eke out a living by chasing every opportunity that presents itself. They are willing to drive long distances and work crazy hours just for a chance to earn a commission.

They will try to make themselves available to anyone and everyone. Which in turn spreads them quite thin.

What if there was a way to have people come to you? To close the door on all types of Real Estate and concentrate on one particular type. To have them call you because you are considered an authority in one type of Real Estate? To create a Niche Market!

Well this is what some savvy Real Estate Pro’s have done and their real estate careers have taken off.

But Marty, wouldn’t that Pigeon Hole me to one particular aspect of Real Estate Sales? Well let’s look at an example in the real world of this happening.

If we look at the Hollywood Actor Danny Trejo, he is likely the most Pigeon holed actor I can think of in movies. He consistently shows up as the bad guy. He has a rough and tough look about him and usually plays the villain in a lot of movies.

He is not often considered for a leading man role in Hollywood but rather he is relegated to villain roles. Oh and by the way, he starred in 27 television and movies in 2010! Not bad for someone who is Pigeon Holed.

Not to mention his net worth is now more than 8 million dollars!

You see, he created a Niche Market for himself.

Anytime a producer needs someone for a villain role, he gets the call. Wouldn’t it be great if every time someone needed to buy or sell a particular type of Real Estate, we got the call?

What I’m talking about is becoming a Real Estate Specialist in a particular sector of Real Estate. Creating a Niche market.

By becoming the “go to” person, you set yourself up as one of very few who are able to provide outstanding service and information that another REALTOR would not be able to provide.

Some examples of Realtors becoming authorities in their fields would be:

  1. First time Buyer Specialist
  2. A local Heritage home Agent
  3. A Real Estate Pro who works only with Investment Properties
  4. The Condo King!
  5. A Relocation Specialist


You get the picture.

By setting yourself up as a specialist in one aspect of Real Estate, you are no longer competing with the masses. You are telling the public that this is what I do and I do it better than anyone else!

But Marty, why would I want to Pigeon Hole myself into one box? Why would I want to shy away from other sales? Wouldn’t that work against me?

A great point for sure. But think about it this way.

Let’s say you have to get an operation, worse still let’s say you need brain surgery. Would you let your family doctor perform the surgery or would you look for a specialist like a Neural Surgeon?

I think you can see the value in seeking out the Neural Surgeon. They are going to know how to do one thing, and that’s brain surgery. They do it day in and day out. That’s what they do. They are seen as the experts.

They make a great living at what they do by providing outstanding service that could not be provided by most doctors.

The same could be said about car mechanics. If you have an European car like a Mercedes, will you be taking it to a local garage or would you seek out a Mercedes specialist that works on their cars night and day?

I think you see where I’m going with this. If it’s feasible in your area, then consider becoming a specialist in one type of real estate. Create a Niche market for yourself and excel at that Niche. the continuum

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